Pregnancy testing & confirmation + STI testing & treatment at no cost to you - so you know for sure.
Abortion is a choice that can have a significant impact on many areas of your life. Here at AVA Care of Harrisonburg, we believe that information empowers. Understanding the types of procedures, the cost, possible risks, and potential long-term effects is important as you weigh your decision.
Generally speaking, there are two types of procedures: medical and surgical. Medication abortion is commonly referred to as “the abortion pill,” and involves the use of medication to end the pregnancy, usually at home. Surgical abortion refers to several different in-clinic procedures that involve the use of surgical tools to end the pregnancy by removing the embryo or fetus and clearing out the uterus.
Abortion costs vary widely based on the type of abortion, how far along the pregnancy is, and where you live. Medication abortions can cost up to $800, and surgical abortion procedures can range into the thousands.
As with any medical procedure, each type of abortion has certain associated risks. Be sure you understand all the risks prior to making a decision - this is an important part of informed consent.
Immediately after an abortion, it is very common to feel relief; the crisis presented by an unwanted or badly-timed pregnancy is over. However, some women may also experience emotional distress due to feelings of loss, grief, shame, regret, resentment, or guilt. Factors such as social or relational pressure, moral or religious background, and personal goals or beliefs can influence these feelings. Each woman’s experience will vary. It is important that you take care of yourself, and make an informed decision that is right for you. Making decisions quickly, without thought, or based on pressure from others can often cause pain and regret, so make sure that you have taken all the relevant factors into consideration and feel confident in your choice.
If you’re considering abortion, you are not alone in your decision-making process. At AVA Care, we have patient advocates and licensed nurses who would love to answer your questions and support you through this tough time. We are the experts on unintended pregnancy and here for you no matter what you decide. Schedule an appointment today.
If you’ve recently had an abortion, schedule an After Abortion Assessment at AVA Care to receive the follow-up care and support you deserve.
AVA Care is here to Advocate for you, Validate your concerns and provide Answers to your questions. We are here for you – no matter what you decide. Schedule an appointment online or call 540.434.7528 today.
Medical Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Medical Director Dr. Teresa Klansek.
AVA Care of Harrisonburg is a medical nonprofit serving women facing unintended pregnancy since 1984.
We provide medical consultation and education on abortion.
In keeping with our nonprofit, pro-woman mission, AVA Care does not provide or refer for abortion.
847 Martin Luther King, Jr. Way,
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Call: 540.434.7528
Text: 540.830.1801
Monday | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday | 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday | 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday | CLOSED
Saturday | CLOSED
Sunday | CLOSED
Dr. Jeff Domingus
Medical Director
The content on this page has been reviewed and approved by our Medical Director.