Pregnancy testing & confirmation + STI testing & treatment at no cost to you - so you know for sure.

AVA Care of Harrisonburg

Pregnancy and sexual health services

AVA Care of Harrisonburg is a nonprofit medical clinic specializing in pregnancy testing & confirmation + STI testing & treatment. If you think you’re pregnant or are considering abortion, our professional and compassionate medical and patient services team is here to help. By learning about the risks and benefits of all your options, you will be able to make a fully informed decision.

We’re the experts on unintended pregnancy and here for you - no matter what you decide.

know your options. be informed.

Facing an unintended pregnancy? Get the answers you need today. We’re here to help. You don’t have to go through this alone.

Pregnancy testing + confirmation through ultrasound 

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STI testing +


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I never saw myself needing these services and I am really glad that we have them here in Harrisonburg.

AVA Care patient

unplanned pregnancy help in Harrisonburg, Virginia

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Considering abortion? It is important to be educated, empowered, and at peace with your choice. We are here to help.

AVA Care of Harrisonburg in Harrisonburg, Virginia

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We understand the difficulty of facing an unintended pregnancy. We are here to advocate for you, validate your concerns, and answer your questions.

pregnancy center client testimonial
Ava Care testimonials
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